Let’s face it, we all need more humor in our lives and businesses!

A self-acknowledged “character,” Tommy Hilcken has spent a lifetime as an entertainer, humorist, motivational speaker, and trainer. For years, he has personally used humor to break through, transform teams and increase performance.

Based on the current state of the world and from hearing from clients that the working environment has tested our resilience, patience, and morale, Tommy has developed a new group training/coaching program that incorporates HUMOR and a little bit of MAGIC.

This is the foundation of why Tommy created his proprietary program called Magical Motivation™.

The result is employee engagement, enthusiasm, and ultimately motivation and performance.

If you are left uninspired by the ‘’same ‘ole, same ‘ole’’ you may want to consider this unique program.

A uniquely different kind of corporate training

Through hands-on learning acquired from hundreds of training and a great deal of recent feedback from clients, Magical Motivation™  is now the framework for ALL of Tommy’s programs.

Combining humor, magic, and best training practices results in energized, successful and motivated employees.

In Tommy’s own words:

“Success is neither magical nor mysterious—but its integration into our learning and training practices—when properly applied—does result in success. ‘


To hire Tommy for your next corporate event or team building experience that incorporates Magical Motivation and Humor into your presentations, visit his other website, https://tommyknucklehead.com.