Why follow the leader?
Many years ago, I was taught a valuable lesson.
If you want more from life, sometimes you must change people places and things.
Are the people you are following going where YOU want to go?
Have you ever asked that question of yourself?
Who can help you get where you want to go?
Who are the experts?
Where are they?
These are questions you need to ask yourself and answer for yourself.
After you get some answers…here are some action steps.
- Start finding people who are already where you want to be.
- Start surrounding yourself with people you aspire to be like.
- Hire a mentor or coach; someone who will be objective in helping you work through your challenges and get you where you want to go.
You will now have someone to help you brainstorm your ideas and put them into concise action steps.
Working with a thought partner will accelerate your success by inspiring your creativity and holding you accountable to the action it will take to achieve success.
“Be careful the environment you choose for it will shape you; be careful the friends you choose for you will become like them.” W. Clement Stone
As a Certified Life Success Consultant and a Sandler Training Associate, Tommy works with his clients on breaking through the fears and challenges that are holding them back while helping them move toward what they really want.
Additionally, Tommy also helps clients’ presentation skills through our “Presenting Yourself with Impact” program along with individual coaching.