7 Ways to Change Your Sales Focus and Drive New Revenue – #3
#3 – Offer Complementary Products and Services
Changing your sales focus to a customer-service-oriented approach helps you discover what the client really needs. Listen to your customers to find out what services and products they are looking for—ones that may be related but outside your core service offerings.
If the market is there and you have the ability, you should be offering these complementary services. Otherwise, you are practically handing potential business to your competitors.
By talking to your customers and asking questions about their business needs, you can provide personalized solutions that deepen and extend your customer relationship while also growing the bottom line.
When practicing your sales techniques, don’t be afraid to go for the upsell. These customers are interested in working with you or they would not be talking to you. Give them all the information they need to make an informed decision about which services will help them the most. If you think a previously unmentioned service could provide value to their business, craft your pitch to answer their concerns and highlight the positive attributes of the service. Once a client sees the benefits of your product or service, they will have trouble turning it down without at least considering your proposal.
Tommy’s role as a Sandler Associate is helping his clients break through the fears and challenges that are holding them back and help them move toward what they really want utilizing the Sandler Selling System.
Additionally, Tommy also helps clients’ presentation skills through our “Presenting Yourself with Impact” program along with individual coaching. Click here to talk with Tommy.