Your body speaks and people are listening.
Many prospects are well seasoned on a sales call and can read body language and facial expressions exceptionally well. The same should go for you as a salesperson.
Becoming aware of what prospects and clients are thinking and feeling can transform a good salesperson into a great one.
The best salespeople are experts at reading body language.
Here’s why this is a crucial sales skill:
When you interact with a prospective client, you communicate on two levels – verbal and non-verbal. The verbal interchange is essential, but it may not be the most important when negotiations get tricky.
The expression on someone’s face reinforces what they say and can add subtle facets to their meaning. Research has shown that a very high percentage of learning takes place through the sense of sight. We are told that the average person learns 83% by seeing. Hearing is next highest with only 13%. Those figures should have a tremendous impact on what we do during a sales call.
Here are some tips you should keep in mind when reading a prospect’s facial expressions:
- Are they maintaining an overall pleasant countenance – even if talking about a serious subject?
- Keep an eye out for a frown or grimace.
- Make sure what they’re saying with their face matches what they’re saying with their words.
During any sales presentation, body language is another crucial factor to keep in mind.
The most informative body language signals to monitor are your prospect’s engagement and disengagement behaviors.
- Is the prospect leaning in toward you as you speak? That means they are interested in your words.
- Do they have their arms crossed over their chest? They may be feeling defensive. Try to lighten up the mood.
- Are they fidgeting? They may not be paying attention, or maybe their mind is on something else. You need to bring them back into the conversation.
Everyone’s body speaks, sometimes much louder than their voices do. Would you like to learn more about how to read the body languages and facial expressions of others? Or how to make sure yours are suited to the needs of your prospects? Reach out today.